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Become a Friend of the Shelter

It takes a community to provide all of what is needed to care for homeless, abandoned and abused pets and we just couldn’t do it without people like you!  As an independent, nonprofit organization (not affiliated with any other SPCA or humane society), we rely on the kindness and compassion of our friends to provide the critical care needed for the most fragile pets in our community.

We invite you to join us in our life-changing mission to care for abandoned and homeless pets, protect and advocate for pets in need, and promote humane treatment of all animals. Your on-going support makes it possible for us to provide essential services that our pet-loving community needs.

Will you be our Friend? As a Friend of the shelter, your gift demonstrates your desire to see animals treated with kindness and cared for by loving hands.  Friend donation form (individual gift charged to credit card).

Will you be our Best Friend? Supporters who are able to commit to monthly gifts (either automatically charged to a credit card or paid by check) are Best Friends and receive a PMSPCA “Best Friend” window decal and a discount card to Sandy’s Pet Food Center. Annually, Best Friends also receive a special gift and an invitation to our reception in December. Best Friend donation form  (monthly gift automatically charged to credit card).

Want to be a Best Friend Forever?  Supporters who prefer to make a single gift of $1,000 as a Best Friend will have their Best Friend status automatically renewed each year and their name added to the wall of the shelter.


Things can change; we understand.  If at any time you wish to

  • change your credit card number

  • change the amount of your donation

  • discontinue your monthly giving

  • ask a question about your monthly giving

Please let us know–we’d be happy to help!

Thank you for your support!

Questions? Please call 603-856-8756 ext 333


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